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22 - 28 June: New Moon in Cancer & Solar Eclipse Goddess reading

Writer's picture: Hari Charan KaurHari Charan Kaur

After the intensity of the previous week's readings, this is a really beautiful and much needed nurturing reading. I did a new moon spread with the Goddess Power Oracle deck. This is such a potent and beautiful deck.

The solar eclipse which happened with the new moon on Sunday intensifies the energies of the moon and of Cancer. It happened at 0 degrees Cancer, which means it occurred right as the moon moved from Gemini into Cancer. And it wraps up a Cancer-Capricorn eclipse season, and heralds the new Gemini - Sagittarius eclipse season. This year we have 6 eclipses, which is quite a lot! Most years don't see this many. And we have 3 in a row which is also quite rare. It just highlights how this is a transformational year for all of us. The Cancer-Capricorn eclipses are all about the mother-father archetypes, or the Empress and Emperor of the tarot decks. These are all about the axis of feminine and masculine energies, between feeling, flowing, emotions, nurturing, abundance, beauty and doing, action, willpower, determination, energy, structure, order, institutions. We have seen how these powers have been squaring up in the world, and that established norms are being broken down. This eclipse wraps all that up. That's not to say we're done with this energy, but it's shifting now into Gemini-Sagittarius energy which brings new perspectives, communications, connections, networking, going out and seeking, bringing back new (or very old) ways of doing things, bringing together seemingly disparate things into new creations, new ways of being. So we'll be bringing some of this energy as we seek to create the new world we want to live in. We'll be challenging institutions and established ways of being with this energy, and we'll be challenged ourselves internally. This change doesn't occur from the outwards-in but the inwards - out.

Which is what this new moon and solar eclipse are all about. Cancer is the mother archetype. She is all about home, belonging, stability, security, emotions, feeling, passion, creativity, creation, abundance, birthing, nurturing. In the tarot, she is the Empress who is depicted as a heavily pregnant, glowing woman surrounded by blossoming nature, abundant food, animals, and butterflies which signify transformation. All of what's been happening this year has seriously stirred up feelings around worth, identity, value, achivement (Capricorn, father archetype) and home, belonging, security, stability (Cancer). And now this new moon comes to bring us back to ourselves. To show us that we are already home. We belong to ourselves and to no one else. To draw back all the pieces of ourselves we have given away, we have lost, we have had taken from us, so we can know we are whole as we are. Our identity is not in what we do, in what we achieve, in our successes, but in who we are. In our magnificence, in our truth, in our emotions, and in our holding emotion and transmuting it for healing. Our value is not in how much we earn, how many nice things we have, how big our house is, but in our security and stability in ourselves, in our ability to give and nurture - ourselves, first and foremost, and then from abundance, to others.

And this is exactly mirrored in this week's reading. The Goddesses are all extending their loving, nurturing, mothering, beautiful, expansive, emotive selves to you and asking you to come home to yourself. Rest, relax, nurture yourself, tend to the small things, connect to nature. After all the death, magic, purging, fires and release of the past few weeks, we are amongst the ashes now. We may not see what is emerging, we may not know where we're going, what we're doing, how we're getting there - or anything really. But in this space, the darkness of the new moon, take time to rest and recover. Regain your strength, come back to your mother and nurture your inner child. Allow the space for the new to emerge.

In each card, these are the themes, over and over again. So I'm not going to give the meaning of each, but will weave the themes together into a whole. Looking at these I see all the green. This is the green of nature, the green of the mother, green of the heart chakra, green of abundance. This is the Empress embodied right here in the Goddess cards. There is light too, lightness, and joy. Shine your light, out from the ashes, burn bright and begin to bring forth your joy, your love, your compassion.

Here are the questions for each card:

  1. What do I need to know about the quality of my current situation?

  2. How do I co-create from my most empowered self?

  3. What action do I need to do to ignite the magic of my situation?

  4. What do I need to do o co-create my highest good at this time?

  5. What is the potential outcome of my intention?

  6. How, if at all, do I course correct to in better alignment with my intention for my highest good?

And the cards which correspond are:

  1. Artemis: Focus (alignment) 4

  2. Green Tara: Salvation 17

  3. Kuan Yin: Compassion 26

  4. Demeter: Nurturer 11

  5. Brigid: Creative Spark (alignment) 8

  6. Mama Qocha: Water 33

We are being asked to relax our focus, to rest, to come back to ourselves and nurture ourselves. Trust that all is unfolding just as it should in your life, and trust in the not-knowing, in the darkness; that all will be illuminated in time. Take a break, and know that nothing that is for you will go past you. Know your needs will always be met, you are safe and secure in your ownself. You do not need to know the how and when. Trust that the universe will unfold like water. Flow like water, going round obstacles, slowing eroding to create new pathways. Connect deeply with your emotions, feel into them. Know they are here to teach you, there is something for you to learn. Take this time to unpack them, feel under them, learn what is here for you and hold them in your heart.

Hold them with compassion. Self-compassion, without judgement or criticism and allow them to unfold in your heart. Nurture and support yourself. Connect with your inner child in love, compassion, play. And then, when you are ready, once you have learnt what you need to, work with them to transmute that energy into creating positivity in the world that you want to see. Stand with your values, your truth, and use the energy of your emotions to bring forth your new part of the world. Have compassion for others, non-judgement as they too are working with their emotions and allowing the dark, shadow aspects out for healing. Their process isn't yours. Their truth isn't yours. Allow them the benefit of the doubt. Share your gratitude, your joy, your love with yourself first and as you feel abundance, share this with the world, as your emotions change from pain into love.

Don't worry if you don't know what's next, where you're going, and how you will emerge from all of this. Let go of the seriousness and the worry and connect with your inner child and play! You will have fun, joy, lightness, play. Don't worry if you feel stuck or lack creativity. Just connect with your inner child and play! Do finger painting, maybe some potato printing, dance with the wind, do things to which bring you joy for no particular outcome. And from this you'll find your creativity emerges and you feel less stuck. This is not a time for planning, focus and organisation. Now is a time for nurturing, loving, feeling, flowing, allowing, emerging, tapping into gratitude, abundance and giving, and returning home to yourself. Rest, relax, restore. And allow all that will come next to be shown to you in the right time. Know that in this not knowing that you are held, you are safe, you are secure, you are home. All that is for you, your path, the way forward is here and will unfold and flow like water.

The numbers on the cards are interesting too. We have 3 cards which add up to 8. This is the number of the aura, of energy, and connect with 2. This is water, flow, feminine energy, emotions, dualities. 2 and 8 very much relate to the energy of Cancer. There is then a 6 and a 4. These two numbers come together and relate to the heart, our intuition, our ability for love and compassion, and gives us the space to hold the emotions and water of 2 and 8. And finally there is an 11. We don't reduce 11. 11 is a magical angel number of manifestation, of beginnings, of imagination, creation, sparks, connections, new relationships and of completeness. The numbers and the colours in the cards are really supporting this reading, reaffirming the same messages. You can take this as a reassurance that you are on the right path and that all which is happening is to bring you home back to yourself.

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer. May you have a beautiful, loving, compassionate, nurturing week.

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