Awaken, heal, live
Kundalini Yoga: Reset & Detox series
90 minutes for the body to detox and reset in preparation for Autumn
Service Description
The shifting of seaons is when we are likely to get sick, when the body is weaker, and when we need to prepare the body for the new season. This is because the qualities of the seasons are different according to ayurveda. In ayurveda, the shifting of seasons is when we need to detox and prepare the body for the new season and to create strength in the body in a new way from the previous season. This also is the case astrologically. The best times for detox and reset is in the mutable signs which come in the shifting of the seasons. Gemini - spring to summer, Virgo - summer to autumn, Sagittarius - autumn to winter, and PIsces - winter to spring. In ayurveda summer season has the qualities of pitta dosha which is hot, dry and fiery. The autumn season has the qualities of vata dosha which is cool, dry, light and windy. As you can see from the difference in qualities, the body needs different things to respond to each season and depending on your own doshas your body will respond differently to the shift in season. However, we can prepare for this shift and change through detox. We can let go and release all that supported us in the previous season and create space for the things that will support the new season. And in this way we create strength and health in the body throughout the seasons. This is not just on a physical level, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We'll clear out emotions, thoughts, habits, patterns, practices which made sense in the summer, but don't support us in Autumn. And we'll look at how it can be hard to release these and what we might do to encourage release and welcome in the new season. This 6-week series on Thursdays at 7pm, online, will incorporate kundalini yoga, meditation, mantra, ayurveda, astrology and celtic seasonal wisdom to support us to rest, reset, realign, detoxify, release and create space in our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. Come for the full series for a deep cleanse and restore to prepare for the remainder of the year or drop in week by week as and when suits you. The full series is £60, saving you one full class price or drop in for £12 per class. Replays available for the series and those that sign up to the full series will automatically receive all replays.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Christopher Court at Rose Bruford College, 103 Station Road, Sidcup, UK